Our green network
In the age of emancipation and a changed role of women, more and more women are working in the forestry sector. Still at the beginning of the third millennium, they still had a special status in the "green men's world", if they even appeared in forest networks of actors.
In September 2001, this was the occasion for three women, whose occupation is forestry, to network women in the forestry and wood industries. In 2003 the association Forstfrauen was founded.
Make women visible
The association Forstfrauen aims to highlight the achievements and activities of women in the forestry and timber industry and to make these women visible, both in the professional world and in the non-forestry public. By this example effect, e.g. female forest owners, who previously avoided to appear in the world of forestry, are encouraged to emerge from the "male overshadowing". Not only the women themselves benefit from this positive effect, but also our forest and the entire forestry and timber industry.
Active networking
The forestry women are networking women AND men who have already taken root in the forestry and wood industry, and women whose love for wood and wood is just beginning to sprout.
An idea has become a well-functioning network. Interested ladies and gentlemen who are in any way associated with the forestry and wood industries, regardless of their vocational training, can join this network. It is essential to want to actively live the networking idea as well: Every member can and should bring in her or his abilities as well as her or his contacts and professional background in the spirit of the association's goals.
Membership fee
The membership fee is currently € 25 per year or € 12.50 for pupils and students.