Dipl.-Ing. Dagmar Karisch-Gierer
consultant at the Pichl Forestry Training Center (focus on forest economics in small scaled forests; training, project and quality management), participation in various forestry committees and advisory boards

Ing. Christiane Hohenberg
Forester, employed in the family-owned forest enterprise (Forstbetrieb Franz Hohenberg, Radmer), in all fields of the enterprise

Dipl.-Ing. Rafaela Rothwangl
Civil engineer for forestry and wood industry, interested in everything that has to do with forest and trees

Ing. Andrea Pirker
Farmer and forest owner, Mental trainer, forest pedagogue, expert for alp and pasture management, Natura 2000 supervisor

Maria Christina Kreith
Forest owner (forest enterprise in the district Mürzzuschlag) and tax consultant

Foto © Gabriele Moser
Dr. Elisabeth Johann
(Forestry advisory board member)
Research and teaching in the field of forest and environmental history, head of the expert committee for forestry history in the Austrian Forestry Association and the association Waldpädagogik, member of the IUFRO Research Group Forestry and Forest History

Mag. Petra Seebacher
(PR advisory board member)
Responsible for marketing at proHolz Steiermark; Focus on "Wood makes school" - work with the next wood generation (students, educators, etc.)

Monika Zechner, MIM
(Wood Industry advisory board member)
Chairwoman of the Styrian timber industry, responsible for administration and sales in the family-owned company