§ 1: Name and seat of the association
The association bears the name "Forstfrauen" and has its headquarters in St. Barbara in Mürztal. He pursues exclusively non-profit purposes within the meaning of the federal tax code.

§ 2: area of activity, purpose of the association
The work of the association extends to the Austrian federal territory. The aim of the association is to support women in the forestry and timber industry in integration in a male-dominated area, to increase acceptance on the side of the forest and timber sector and to put the forestry and timber industry in a positive light.

§ 3: Ideal means
Obtaining the purpose of the statute serve the following ideal means

  • Reinforcement of communication between women in the forestry and timber industry
  • Exchange of experience and information (networking)
  • Mentoring activities
  • Organization of further education events, meetings and conferences
  • Representing common interests
  • Image building for the forestry and wood industry
  • Carrying of charitable events

§ 4: Material means
The necessary material resources should be raised by:

  • Entry fees and membership fees
  • Donations and other financial benefits (sponsorship income)
  • Donations from further education and other events

Membership fees are charged. Their amount is determined by resolution of the general assembly. The contributions are collected in the first half of the calendar year.

§ 5: Use of funds
The resources of the association may only be used for the purposes stated in the statute. The members of the association may receive no profit shares and in their capacity as members no other donations from means of the association. In case of withdrawal from the association and dissolution or annulment of the association, members may not receive more than the paid-in capital share and the mean value of their contributions in kind, which is to be calculated according to the value of the contribution. No person may be favored by the association for non-administrative expenses or disproportionately high remuneration.

§ 6: Types of membership
The members of the association are divided into ordinary, extraordinary and honorary members. Regular members are those who fully participate in the work of the association, they have the passive and active right to vote. Extraordinary members are those who promote the activity of the association primarily by paying an increased membership fee. Honorary members can be appointed persons who have earned special merits to this association.

§ 7: Acquisition of membership
Members of the association can become all natural persons, who are professionally or privately active in the forestry and wood industry. The Board of Directors decides on the admission of ordinary and extraordinary members after a written request. The recording can be refused without giving reasons. The appointment as an honorary member takes place at the request of the executive committee by the general assembly. Before the formation of the association, the preliminary admission of members by the founders takes place. This membership becomes effective only with the constitution.

§ 8: Rights and obligations of the members
The members are entitled to participate in all events of the association and to claim the facilities of the association. The right to vote in the General Assembly as well as the right to vote and stand for election is only available to full members and honorary members who have reached the age of 16. The members are obliged to promote the interests of the association as much as possible and to refrain from doing anything that could damage the reputation and purpose of the association. The members must observe the statutes of the association and the resolutions of the association organs. Ordinary and extraordinary members are also required to pay the entry fees and membership fees.

§ 9: Withdrawal
The membership expires by death, by voluntary withdrawal and by exclusion. Voluntary resignation can only take place at the end of the calendar year. The deregistration must be received in writing by the supervisor by 1st of November. If the announcement is delayed, the withdrawal is only effective on the next withdrawal date. The membership fee only expires with the effectiveness of the withdrawal.

§ 10: Exclusion rules
The exclusion of a member occurs, if the member damages the interests of the association or does not fulfill the obligations laid down in the statutes. The executive committee is appointed for the precipitation of the exclusion decision. The person affected will be informed in writing and has the right to appeal in writing within 30 days of receipt of notification by the association's executive committee. After the expiry of this period or decision in the sense of the exclusion decision, the decision will enter into force. All rights and claims against the association are invalid with the effectiveness of the exclusion notice.

§ 11: Association organs
Organs of the association are the general assembly, the board, the auditors and the arbitral tribunal.

§ 12: General Assembly
The ordinary general assembly takes place once a year.Extraordinary general assembly shall be held by resolution of the board of directors or the ordinary general assembly upon reasoned written request of at least one tenth of the members or, upon request of the Auditors, within four weeks.All members are entitled to participate, but only ordinary members and honorary members are entitled to vote.The convocation of the general assembly is made by the Executive Board, indicating the agenda. The call must be made no later than three weeks before the date of the general assembly. Applications for the general assembly must be submitted to the Board of Directors at least 14 days before they are held.The general assembly has a quorum in the presence of half of all voting members. If the general assembly does not have a quorum, it shall be held after half an hour, with quorum regardless of the number of members present.The elections and the resolution in the general assembly are made by a simple majority vote. Resolutions designed to amend the statutes require a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes cast.The chairwoman is in the chair of the general assembly, in her absence her deputy. A written record must be kept of the course of the general meeting, which must be signed by the chairwoman and the secretary.

§ 13: Tasks of the General Assembly
The following tasks are reserved for the general assembly:

  • Receipt and approval of the statement of accounts and the financial statements
  • Resolution on the estimate
  • Appointment and removal of members of the Board of Directors and Auditors
  • Determining the amount of the entry fee and membership fees
  • Award of Honorary Membership
  • Resolution on amendment of the statutes and the voluntary dissolution of the association

§ 14: Board
The board consists of

  • the chairwoman and her deputy
  • the treasurer
  • the secretary and her deputy
  • four advisors (PR, forestry, timber industry and youth)

The term of office of the board is four years; In any case, it lasts until the election of a new board. Retired board members are eligible again. The board is quorate if at least half of the members of the board are present. The board is convened by the chairwoman, in her absence by her deputy. The board decides with simple majority of votes; in case of a tie, the voice of the chairwoman is decisive. The chairwoman presides over the board, if she is unable to act as her deputy. The general assembly may at any time relieve the entire board or individual members of their office. The members of the board may at any time in writing declare their resignation to the board or, upon resignation of the entire board, to the general assembly. The resignation will take effect only with the election of a successor.

§ 15: Tasks of the Board
The board is responsible for the management of the association. In particular, the scope of duties of the board includes the following agendas:

  • Preparation of the annual budget, preparation of the annual report and the closing of the accounts
  • Preparation of the general assembly
  • Convening of the ordinary and extraordinary general assembly
  • Administration of the association's assets
  • Inclusion and expulsion of club members
  • Arrange and approve specialized committees that can be formed to assist the board.

The board conducts the business of the association on an honorary basis.

§ 16: Special Obligations of Individual Members of the Management Board
The chairwoman represents the club to the outside. Written copies of the association need to be valid, the signature of the chairwoman, in money matters of the chairwoman and the treasurerer. The chairwoman presides over the board and the general assembly. The secretary writes all fonts and documents emanating from the association and takes care of the affairs of the association's archives. The treasurer is responsible for the proper payment and is responsible to the association.

§ 17: Auditors
The two auditors are elected by the general assembly for a term of four years; a re-election is possible. The accounting year does not have to coincide with the calendar year, it must not exceed twelve months. The auditors are responsible for the day-to-day business control and the checking of the financial statements. They have to report to the general assembly on the result of the review.

§ 18: Arbitration
For the settlement of disputes within the association, an arbitral tribunal shall be set up, to which each contending party shall send two representatives. It is chaired by a non-partisan chairwoman, who is to be elected from the circle of the members of the association by the representatives of the parties by a majority of votes. In case of a tie, the lot decides

§ 19: Dissolution of the association
The voluntary dissolution of the association can only be decided upon in an extraordinary general assembly convened for this purpose and only by a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast.