Sabine Pelzmann

Sabine Pelzmann

Sabine Pelzmann is a management consultant, teaching supervisor and author. She accompanies organizational change processes and develops reflective corporate leadership programs and qualifications for supervisory board members. She is a lecturer at domestic and foreign universities on the topics of leadership, system theory and organizational development and has over 20 years of consulting experience in expert, administrative and profit organizations.
Sabine Pelzmann studied agriculture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and dealt with the topics of supervision, coaching and management in two master's degrees.
Through her technical, economic and social science education, Sabine Pelzmann finds access to different fields of work. Interdisciplinarity, cross-industry thinking, value orientation and practical relevance characterize their consulting and training work.
She works primarily in Austria, but also has consulting experience in Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, the USA, Georgia and Ukraine. She has two daughters and lives in Graz.


Eveline Breitwieser-Wunderl

Eveline Breitwieser Wunderl 2

Eveline Breitwieser-Wunderl is responsible for innovative working environments and diversity management in the HR department of Porsche Holding Salzburg.
After studying English and Philosophy & Psychology in Salzburg, she completed a marketing course at the MCI in Innsbruck and started her career in the automotive industry in 1999. She began her career at Porsche Holding in 2001 as Head of Marketing at Porsche Bank AG. In 2012 she switched to the HR department as HR Business Partner for Porsche Bank AG. After parental leave, she returned to the Training & Development department at Porsche Bank AG in 2016 before moving to her current position in 2018, 'Innovative Working Environments & Diversity Management' at Porsche Holding Salzburg.
Diversity isn't just a job for her, it's a calling. With a lot of commitment and heart and soul, she campaigns for more diversity in the company and in society. In particular, the compatibility of family and work and cross-generational work are her special concerns. Eveline Breitwieser-Wunderl lives in the greater Munich area, is married and the mother of twins.


Victoria RammerRammer V

Victoria Rammer studied at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - Bachelor and Master in Communication, Knowledge, Media and at the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum - Master in Content Strategy.
Since 2016 she has been working as a research assistant in the university research and development department and as a lecturer in the area of communication management and content strategy at the Hagenberg campus. In her research activities, she deals with the topics of women in STEM, sustainable development goals (SDGs), gender and diversity management, as well as digitization of communication.


Hermine HacklHackl Hermine

Hermine Hackl is the official forest ambassador and known to the forestry public in Austria as the "voice of the forest". After her time as press spokeswoman for the Austrian agricultural and forestry companies, the Austrian Farmers' Association and Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing, she was director of the UNESCO Biosphere Park Wienerwald and then "moderated" the wood value chain in Austria as Secretary General of the cooperation platform forest-wood-paper. From 2018 to March 2022 she managed the forestry training center in Traunkirchen of the Federal Research Center for Forests and in this function coordinated the WALDCAMPUS Austria, the largest and most modern forest competence center in Europe.


Maximilian HandlosMaximilian Handlos

Maximilian Handlos comes from a farmers family and worked for many years as a truck driver in log transport before he changed his career. He came to the Forest Association Styria as a professional and educational advisor and master of forestry. He manages national and international projects and is responsible for public relations in the member organization Forest Association Styria. His current professional focus is on the development and support of digital information offers such as the "Forest Monday" - the digital wood regulars' table and the podcast "Waldge(h)spräche".